【題目】Virtuous Leader, Virtuous Firm: How Humble CEOs Build Good Firms by Fostering Organizational Virtuousness
【主講人】尤樹洋 副教授
The rise of positive organizational scholarship has brought virtues back to business studies, applying a positive lens to organizations. While some scholars highlight the importance of individual virtues in promoting human flourishing, others have emphasized a set of “organizational virtues” that create both individual and collective benefits. These studies, however, are quiet on how and when individual virtues may help to build good firms. We address the how by examining the role of CEO humility in fostering organizational virtuousness — a constellation of virtues that manifest in collective behaviors, activities, processes, and policies in organizations — which in turn leads to positive firm outcomes, including improved financial performance and external stakeholder support. To explicate when, we specify firm status as a moderator of the positive effect of CEO humility on firm outcomes via organizational virtuousness. Using a sample of 253 firms from China, we find support for our main hypotheses. We discuss important implications for research on humility and organizational virtuousness.
尤樹洋,東北財經大學工商管理學院副教授,組織與管理理論研究中心主任。研究領域涉及戰略領導力和組織行為。主持完成國家自然科學基金1項,獲優秀結項。近年來在Journal of Product Innovation Management (ABS4), Journal of Business Research (ABS3), Management and Organization Review (ABS3), 《管理世界》等期刊發表論文20余篇,出版譯著1部。榮獲Emerald Citation of Excellence Award(2015)、第七屆高校科研優秀成果獎(人文社科)論文二等獎(2015)、“江蘇省第十六屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎”二等獎(2020)、遼寧省研究生教育教學成果獎一等獎。擔任Management and Organization Review、《經濟管理》等期刊匿名評審工作,榮獲《管理學季刊》(2019、2022)最佳評審人。