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2023-07-06 10:59:00 來源:院科研辦 點擊: 收藏本文

【題目】The joint influence of individual and collective psychological ownership and its social consequences in work teams

【時間】2023年7月6日(周四) 10:00


【主講人】張瑞雪 助理教授



Current research on psychological ownership mostly focuses on its effects on employee work-related outcomes, whereas its impact on social outcomes has yet to be examined. Drawing on the promotion-prevention framework, we investigate its impact on two social outcomes—received help and experienced ostracism—through dual mechanisms, i.e., proactive behaviors and territorial behaviors. We also tested collective psychological ownership as a moderator in the foregoing relationships. We tested our hypotheses progressively through two time-lagged survey studies from different fields, beauty salons teams (Study 1) and nursing teams (Study 2). Study 1 results supported the main and mediating relationships. The results largely support our theorizing. Our research offers several theoretical and practical implications for cross-level psychological ownership and its dual side social influences.


張瑞雪,寧波諾丁漢大學商學院助理教授,研究興趣包括前瞻性人格、創造力、心理所有權、顧客服務和辱虐式管理等。相關研究成果發表在Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology、Journal of Service Research等本專業國際知名期刊。