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2023-04-27 09:55:00 來源:院科研辦 點擊: 收藏本文

【題目】Advertising Format and Content Provision on Revenue-Sharing Content Platforms



【主講人】田林教授  (復旦大學管理學院)

【主持人】卿前愷副教授  (新葡的京集團350vip8888經濟與管理學院)


The digital content market has grown dramatically in recent years. Many platforms show ads when consumers watch the content on their platforms, and they share ad revenue with content creators to incentivize them to create and share content. These platforms generally adopt either a uniform-advertising format or a differentiated-advertising format. This paper shows that, regardless of the ad format, an increase in substitutability of content creators on the platform can increase the content creators’ profits and the consumer surplus. By contrast, an increase in substitutability of content creators can benefit the platform under uniform advertising but not under differentiated advertising. Moreover, the equilibrium ad revenue-sharing rate, content quality, and the number of ads shown for each content will be lower under differentiated advertising than under uniform advertising. The platform’s profit and the consumer surplus are also lower under differentiated advertising than under uniform advertising. However, depending on the substitutability of content creators, the content creators’ profits can be higher or lower under differentiated advertising. In an extension, we also analyze an emerging ad format in which the platform allows content creators themselves to decide the number of ads on their content. Interestingly, we show that this new ad format can make all the market participants (i.e., the platform, the content creators, and the consumers) worse off.


田林,復旦大學管理學院管理科學系教授/博士生導師。研究領域為面向平臺供應鏈的運營決策問題,涉及電商平臺、共享平臺、在線服務平臺等。研究成果發表在JMR、MKSC、MS、MSOM、OR、POM、管理科學學報等國際與國內知名期刊。主持國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目,同時主持或參與可口可樂(上海)、華為技術有限公司、華住集團、中國東方航空等多個企業項目。獲第八屆教育部人文社科青年成果獎,擔任UTD期刊POM的Senior Editor。學術源于實踐,學術應服務于實踐,希望自己可以成為學術與實踐之間聯系的一根絲線。
