【題目】A Long Day at School: Paternalistic Education, Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance
【主講人】王睿新博士 哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)經濟管理學院
【主持人】董志強教授 新葡的京集團350vip8888經濟與管理學院
Paternalistic education is ubiquitous, particularly in East Asian countries. However, by influencing or constraining choices of students, paternalistic education may disempower students and “crowd out” their intrinsic motivation (Bénabou and Tirole, 2003). Using data from the China Education Panel Survey, this paper studies how paternalistic education at school shapes students’ academic motivations and performances by estimating the effect of evening school session, which on average extends a school day to 14 hours and includes almost all study time within the control of school. We find that evening school session significantly reduces students’ test scores and self-assessed scores, especially in Chinese and English. Additionally, evening school session undermines students' intrinsic motivation for study, and creates mental health issues. We identify causal inferences by exploiting the variation in sunset time and boarding status and discuss alternative interpretations. Furthermore, we find that the negative impacts of evening schooling sessions are particularly strong when the students are exposed to teachers who face more pressure from teaching evaluation, student promotion rate and school administration.
王睿新,現任哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)經濟管理學院助理教授。先后獲大連理工大學經濟學學士 (2008年),香港科技大學經濟學碩士 (2009年),荷蘭蒂爾堡大學經濟學博士(2015年)。曾任職香港浸會大學商學院,并在國際食物政策研究所(IFPRI)短期實習。他的主要研究領域為發展經濟學與公共經濟學。目前主持、參與了國家和省部級項目多項,2019年起,連續參與組織了多輪中國企業創新創業調查(ESIEC)。他的研究成果發表于Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,The China Quarterly,International Tax and Public Finance,China Economic Review,經濟學(季刊),經濟科學等中英文一流期刊,并曾獲工業與信息化部優秀研究成果一等獎(2022),首屆中國勞動經濟學者論壇年會(2016)最佳論文獎。