【題目】題目:The Long-run Economic Consequences of Poverty Alleviation: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
【主講人簡介】吳明琴,新葡的京集團350vip8888經濟與管理學院教授。研究方向集中在發展經濟學、區域經濟學和環境經濟學。文章見于Journal of Development Economics,Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,經濟研究等國際國內權威期刊,主持國家自然科學基金和廣東省軟科學等項目。
【摘要】This paper investigates the long-run economic consequences on individuals' education and labor market performance of a national large-scale poverty alleviation program in China. Using a regression discontinuity design, we find a strong positive causal relationship between poverty alleviation and education achievement, especially for primary education; meanwhile, there is a negative causal relationship between poverty alleviation and higher education due to increased opportunity cost. Labor market performance, in particular, labor participation, migration and occupation quality, are improved by the poverty alleviation program. Finally, we find strong heterogeneous effects across gender, and the education and labor market performance of females are reinforced to a larger extent by the poverty alleviation program.