【地點】騰訊會議 277 280 397
【題目】戶籍門檻,勞動力再流動與勞動力資源錯配 (The Hukou registration constraints, remigration intentions, and the misallocation of the labor force)
【主講人簡介】鄧蘭芳,新葡的京集團350vip8888經濟與管理學院青年英才。研究方向集中在勞動經濟學、人力資本,勞動力流動。相關研究在China Economic Review,Regional Science and Urban Economics等主流經濟學期刊發表。 并擔任China Economic Review,Children Youth Service Review等期刊匿名審稿人。
【Abstract】Using unique online resume data, from the perspective of job mobility, we analyze how the hukou registration system impacts the remigration intentions of the migrant workers. We also explicitly examine the consequence of hukou registration on labor force misallocation across different regions in China. We find that the higher hukou restriction of the outflow cities will significantly increase the willingness of return migration but lower the propensity of remigration to other cities. Furthermore, our results suggest that the expected wage gap among the return migrants (re-migrants) substantially varies with the hukou barriers of the outflow cities, especially for the middle-skilled migrants. The hukou registration index increase by one unit, the expected wage of the return migrants would be 6%-10% higher.