題目:Does the Frequency of Reminders Matter for their Effectiveness? A Natural Field Experiment with Taxpayers in China
地點:文二棟五樓會議室(騰訊會議直播號:669 829 889,歡迎師生到五樓會議室參加)
While there is mounting evidence of the positive impact of reminders on individual decisions, little is known whether the frequency of reminders matters. In a field experiment that lasted for about nine weeks and was conducted in the People’s Republic of China, we assess the impact of the frequency of reminders (no reminder, one-off reminder, one reminder a week sent in the first four weeks, two reminders a week sent in the first four weeks) on the probability of paying overdue property taxes. We illustrate that frequent reminders approximately double the probability of paying overdue taxes compared to a one-off reminder and result in substantial fiscal gains. We also find that one reminder a week considerably boosts the probability of tax compliance compared to a one-off reminder (the increase is around 40%), while two reminders a week are not that influential compared to one reminder a week (the increase is around 10%). The takeaway of our study is that frequent reminders are an important trigger for human behavior, nonetheless, beyond a certain frequency the effectiveness of additional reminders seems to decline.
代志新,經濟學博士,畢業于法國里昂大學 。曾工作和任教于法國國家科學院(CNRS)GATE經濟理論研究所,法國讓·呂米爾大學,法國克羅德·貝爾那大學,第戎高等商業學校。曾作為訪問學者訪問加拿大蒙特利爾大學。自 2016 年 9 月起任職于中國人民大學財政金融學學院,副教授,博士生導師,中國人民大學首批青年杰出學者。2016 年 11 月至2017年8月,掛職北京市地稅局稽查處副處長,兼任中國人民大學法國與法語國家研究院副院長,中國人民大學(正定)體育產業研究院副院長,中國人民大學財稅研究所副所長,中國人民大學國家發展與戰略研究院研究員,內參部副主任,同時兼任中國人民大學首都戰略與發展研究院研究院研究員,中國宏觀經濟學論壇主要成員,中國稅收學會中青年研究會理事,中國實驗經濟論壇常務秘書長。主持國家自然科學基金,人民大學科研基金面上/面上重點等多項基金項目, 作為核心成員參與兩項社科重大項目及多項自科項目。撰寫內參曾多次獲得黨和國家領導人批示,近年來,在European Economic Review, Theory and Decision, Management Science,《中國人民大學學報》 等國內外權威期刊發表論文多篇,出版專著《稽查政策機制設計:一個實驗經濟學視角》。 曾作為稅收政策專家參加并主持過歐洲稅務高級官員稅務體制改革論壇,具有世界五百強公司咨詢服務經歷。主要研究領域包括實驗經濟學,行為財政學,公共經濟學等,也是Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Experimental Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,Transportation policy, Police Practice and Research- An International Journal 以及中國人民大學學報,經濟研究,管理世界等國際國內期刊匿名評審專家。