題目:Can Tournaments Induce Workaholic Behaviors? Theory and Experimental Evidence
時間:2021年4月8日(周四)下午4:00-5:30 (講座時間由原來的3:00開始更改為4:00開始)
張延人博士為復旦發展研究院(FDDI)助理研究員。他在英國阿伯丁大學(University of Aberdeen)國王學院獲經濟學博士學位。他在加入復旦發展研究院之前曾在復旦大學經濟學院從事博士后研究,并受挪威科技部資助在挪威經濟學院(NHH)和卑爾根大學(University of Bergen)從事訪問研究。他的主要研究領域為合約理論的應用,創新與企業家行為以及區域經濟學。
We attempt to determine if tournaments create an intrinsic desire of agents to work long and hard even after all prizes are paid out by developing a theory of workaholic behavior. We base this theory on a model for asymmetric belief updating. In this model, agents infer their productivity from their performance rank in a tournament. To maximize their psychic incomes, the agents likely attribute their performance rank to their productivity if they win and to luck if they lose. Possessing this self-serving belief, everyone overworks in a subsequent piece-rate stage. We conduct an experimental test to pinpoint the role of tournament in shaping the bias. Our data strongly support our hypothesis that revealing performance rank to subjects induces workaholism.