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2020-09-24 11:10:00 來源:院科研辦 點擊: 收藏本文


騰訊會議 ID:226 912 009    會議密碼:924230



主題:Exploring the donation allocation of online charitable crowdfunding based on topical and spatial analysis: Evidence from the Tencent GongYi


    Online charitable crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular approach for online fundraising and has attracted widespread concern in society. However, little is known about donation allocation in the implementation of online charitable crowdfunding, especially the purposes involved and the specific flows of these donations. To this end, this study aims to explore project initiators' fundraising allocation by identifying latent intentions from a large sample of project descriptions and by uncovering spatial patterns in the flow of cross-regional donations. By collecting data from the Tencent GongYi platform, one of the largest government-authorized online crowdfunding platforms in China, we conducted a comparative analysis of four types of crowdfunding projects (i.e., medical, educational, poverty-related, and environmental) to examine differences in their general characteristics and donation allocation. The findings suggest that the success rates for these four different types of online charitable crowdfunding vary and that the key influencing factor among them is the type of project executors. Most of the donations are used to fund children and older adults, especially for neglected children in rural areas and neglected elders. In terms of the spatial analysis of the different categories of charitable crowdfunding projects, the results also reveal that the flow of online donations is not equitably distributed and tends to be concentrated in a few relatively developed regions. Specifically, eastern China, with a higher GDP, receives more donations than western China, with a lower GDP. Our research contributes to a better understanding of the donation allocation of online charitable crowdfunding and points to some general implications for online charitable crowdfunding research and practice globally.


    趙宇翔,南京理工大學經濟管理學院教授,主要研究方向為用戶信息行為、數字人文、健康信息學等。在國內外重要期刊和學術會議上發表論文180余篇,其中發表(錄用)SSCI/SCI論文20余篇,CSSCI收錄140余篇。目前發表的學術論文在Google Scholar上被國際同行引用共計2220余次,單篇被引最高606次,入選ESI高被引前1%論文。承擔以及完成國家社科基金重大項目子課題2項,國家自然科學基金3項、教育部人文社科項目,江蘇省人文社科項目,江蘇省軟科學咨詢項目等。擔任國際信息系統協會人機交互分會理事、中國社科情報學會數字人文專委會委員、中國老年學和老年醫學學會智慧醫養分會常務理事、江蘇省老年學會信息化專委會副主任等。承擔國際期刊Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)、Information Processing & Management(IP&M)、Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS)、Data and Information Management (DIM)編委會委員,JASIST, IP&M,Aslib Journal of Information Management期刊客座編輯。2015年入選“南京理工大學青年人才拔尖計劃”,2016年榮獲中國人文社科最具影響力青年學者獎,2019年榮獲江蘇省社科優青人才計劃。
