主題:Second-order Sniping in Online Auctions
會議時間:2020年6月24日(周三) 14:30-16:00
地點:騰訊會議(會議號502 894 496;密碼6699)
摘要:Sniping is a common strategic behavior in online auctions with hard-close. It is widely believed that sniping is an unfair practice to other bidders that may also harm the auction platform, and the introduction of soft-colse largely discourages sniping. We argue, both theoretically and empirically, that soft-close cannot eliminate the advantage of sniping; and what's worse, it may cause second-order sniping, a strategic behavior that snipes the snipers. The key reason is that, proxy bidding is not allowed in many platforms and consequently many bidders are unable to be fully concentrated during the auction. We propose a level-k model to rigorously analyze this situation and show that second-order sniping emerge naturally. Using large-scale data from Alibaba Judicial Auction, an online soft-close first-price auction platform, we provide significant evidences for the existence of snipers and second-order snipers, and find that, compared with nonstrategic bidders, their winning chances are significantly higher and winning prices are significantly lower. (joint work with Yunlong Wang and Xiaoguang Yang)
主講人介紹:曹志剛,北京交通大學經濟管理學院教授。2010年畢業于中科院數學與系統科學研究院并留院任助理研究員。2017年9月加盟北京交通大學經濟管理學院,任“卓越百人計劃”教授。主要研究興趣為博弈論及其應用,包括網絡博弈和算法博弈論等。在相關領域主流刊物發表論文20余篇,包括Operations Research、Games and Economic Behavior、Journal of Mathematical Economics, Social Choice and Welfare, International Journal of Game Theory 和Theoretical Computer Science等期刊以及ACM Economics & Computation等會議。獲中國信息經濟學理論貢獻獎、系統科學與系統工程青年科技獎、中國決策科學青年科技獎和關肇直青年研究獎。任中國信息經濟學會常務理事,中國運籌學會博弈論分會副秘書長、排序論分會副秘書長,中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會智能決策與博弈分會副理事長、青年工作委員會副秘書長、網絡科學分會副秘書長等。主持包括優秀青年基金在內的國家自然科學基金委課題4項。