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2020-06-11 20:37:00 來源:院科研辦 點擊: 收藏本文

題目:Different Types of Job Mobility and Expected Earnings: An Empirical Analysis Based on Online Resumes


地點:騰訊會議(會議號:127 385 096;密碼:025587



鄧蘭芳博士于2019年畢業于湖南大學經濟管理研究中心。目前是新葡的京集團350vip8888經濟與管理學院青年英才,主要研究興趣:人力資本形成及影響,勞動力流動等,其成果發表China Economic Review (forthcoming), Education Science: Theory & Practice 等國際重要期刊。并多次擔任 Children and Youth Service Review等國際期刊的匿名審稿人。

 摘要: In this paper, we study the influences of different determinates of multi-dimensional job mobility on job seekers’ expected earnings, allowing for multiple types of job mobility, including geographic, industrial, and occupational mobilities. Firstly, our results confirm that same observable characteristics have different, even reverse effects on different job mobility types, respectively. To be specific, these on-the-job seekers (compared to the unemployed ones) and job seekers with management positions in the pre-displacement jobs both have a higher propensity in changing job location, but a lower propensity in changing industry and occupation. Moreover, our results show that geographic mobility has a positive impact on expected earnings, which could increase the expected earning by 2.2%. However, the occupational and industrial mobilities both have significant adverse effects on the expected earnings, which would decrease the expected earnings by 3.7% and 1.6%, respectively. These results also imply that the positive effect of geographic mobility could not completely offset the aggregated negative effects together from changing industry and occupation.