題目:The Influence of Human Resource Management Systems on Employee Job Crafting: An Integrated Content and Process Approach
Abstract: Although job crafting has many beneficial outcomes for organizations, research on the antecedents of this behavior is lacking. Through a two-wave study including 87 managers and 342 employees of 9 Chinese firms, an integrated content and process model of human resource management (HRM) systems is developed and used to demonstrate that HRM systems have a crucial influence on employee job crafting. The results of multilevel structural equation models reveal that implemented HRM systems can increase employee task and relational crafting through the mediating effect of perceived HRM systems. Furthermore, the HRM system features of distinctiveness, consistency, and consensus positively moderate the strength of the relationship between implemented and perceived HRM systems, as well as the indirect effect of implemented HRM systems on employee task and relational crafting. Our study not only explores how HRM systems can influence employee job crafting, but also demonstrates how to fully integrate the content and process approaches to HRM research.