題目:International Venturing of Chinese SMEs: Bridging Institutional Escape and Fostering Divide
主講人:Prof. Ping Deng(鄧平教授,美國克里夫蘭州立大學商學院)
演講內容簡介:With growing interest in institutional perspectives on emerging market firms (EMFs), scholars become increasingly interested in probing the role of home country institutions in their internationalization in either “escape” or “fostering” view. We contend that the two mechanisms should be interconnected and viewing them together will stake out promising territory for future research. Dividing the internationalization of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into two stages: internationalization decision-making and international development, we theoretically argued and empirically proved that institutional quality is negatively associated with the propensity of SMEs to go overseas but positively associated with their overseas sales growth. These effects were contingent on firm-level characteristics of manager’s experience and possession of internationally-recognized certification. Based on stepwise analysis of SMEs at different phases of internationalization, we broaden the application of institutional theories in the context of emerging economies by bridging the dividing arguments of escape-fostering views on how the quality of domestic institutions exerts different impact on EMFs and especially Chinese SMEs in their international venturing at different stages.
【該演講內容基于Ping Deng教授的近期研究成果 (co-authored with Dr. Shuo Zhang),該論文已被Journal of Business Research接收即將發表 (2016 Impact Factor: 3.354; ISI Journal Citation Reports @ Ranking: 30/121 (Business)】
Ping Deng教授現任美國克里夫蘭大學商學院管理學正教授 (終身)和全球商務講席 (該大校最高學術榮譽和稱號)。作為全球商務首席教授, 鄧平博士的主要職責之一是領導和發展特別是全球商務領域的研究項目, 為提升該大校和學院的國際名聲發揮學術領導作用。Ping Deng教授的主要研究領域是亞太國家尤其是中國的對外直接投資、全球戰略管理以及新興跨國公司全球競爭, 并且被公認為該研究領域里的著名學者和領先者。Ping Deng教授是美國國際管理學會(AOM)、美國國際商務學會(AIB)、美國戰略管理協會(SMS)的會員,現擔任國際頂尖商業類期刊Journal of World Business、Management and Organization Review、Asia Pacific Journal of Management的編委,并一直擔任多個國際頂尖商業期刊的評審人,其已在Journal of World Business、International Business Review、Management and Organization Review、International Journal of Management Reviews、Organizational Dynamics等頂尖期刊發表論文數十篇。他的許多論文已經被列為對國際商務和管理界產生重要影響的成就。最近10年, Ping Deng教授的每篇論文幾乎都成為所發表期刊中引用錄最高的論文之一, 從而在該領域的學術研究和實際應用中廣為引用。例如,其發表于Journal of World Business(SSCI,影響因子3.758)的論文“Why do Chinese firms tend to acquire strategic assets in international expansion”(2009)被廣泛引用,自2014年起引用率排在在經濟和商業學術領域的全球前1%。根據Google Scholar最新統計, 僅最近5年里,Ping Deng教授的論文和演講在全球的學術引用錄超過1600余次。