題目:Love me, Love my dogs: Evidence from international trade
主講人:羅長遠 (復旦大學經濟學院教授)
內容摘要:This paper investigates the economic value of country image. By matching the data of trade price from CEPII and the data of country image from BBC, we explores how country image affects trade price. The estimation results show that, positive country image raises export prices and negative image depresses export prices. When positive image is increased by one standard deviation, the resulted price premium will be 4.8 percent of the sample average of the export prices. When negative image is increased by one standard deviation, the resulted price discount will be 7.3 percent of the sample average of the export prices. Further investigation also shows that the impact of country image will be much bigger when a country is at lower stage of development. The improving impact of positive image declines when the distance between exporters and importers increases but the depressing impact of negative image does not. Compared to capital goods, the impact of country image is much stronger for intermediate goods and consumer goods. Compared to homogeneous goods, the impact of country image is much stronger for differentiated goods and goods with reference prices.