【題目】 How the technological fits affects the high-skilled worker’s job mobility?
【主講人簡介】鄧蘭芳老師博士畢業于湖南大學,現任職于新葡的京集團350vip8888經濟與管理研究院特聘副研究員。研究方向集中于勞動力流動,人力資本和微觀實證經濟學。文章見于Reginal Science and Urban Economics and China Economics Review 等。
【摘要】This paper studies how the technological similarity affects job seekers mobility decisions and the potential consequence on the wage premium. We manually matched the employee-employer data using over 50,000 resumes of online job seekers from a leading recruitment website in China. by estimating a conditional logit model, our empirical results confirm that the technological similarity plays a prominent role in determining the firm choice of high-skill workers, corresponding to increases the odds of the worker joining a similar firm by 14.7%. We further show that the technological overlap between the pre-and post-transition firm increases the jobseekers’ wage premium by 7.9%. In addition, the wage premium of technological similarity is particularly higher for the younger, and better-educated individuals. Our findings highlight the essential role of technological fits on effectively absorbing some specific human capital of job seekers.